Sunday, November 21, 2010

Instilation final work

1 comment:

  1. This was my final photography assignment for this year. I chose to do an instilation that concentrated on juxtaposing the organic nature of the human body with the synthetic environment we create for ourselves to live in. My original idea was to use the concrete pillars of an underground carpark as a weird concrete juncle of trees, but once we were in the space the idea evolved with the the available materials. One of the most sucsessful shots I believe is the one of my model lying on a painted square with the words 'Confined Space Permit Required' stenciled underneath. It was a complete chance that let us find that particular patch of ground but it illustrated my point nicely. In an urban society, the traditional ideas of land belonging to itself no longer apply. Everything is batered and bought, built and buldozed according to the whims of our riddiculously fragile selves. We are boxed into niches and must pay for the privelidge.

    My model is I a metaphore I spose for both nature as a whole and the organic nature of humanity specifically. I wanted to create different moods, some of melancholy, some of frustration, some of plain animal instinct. I think I achieved this with the direction and dressing of the model, and the subsequent photoshoping (Yes, i know I actually photoshoped images. Im a little surprised/annoyed with myself for doing it. But this year has always been about doing things against your will and discovering something you liked.)
