Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rubbish Shot #1
Rubbish Shot #2
Rubbisg Shot #3


  1. These are pictures of rubbish. Hazzah.

  2. Do you know how hard it is to find rubbish on campus at 9am in the morning? This was seriously all I could find. The top picture is fuzzy and out of focous because i dont really know how to use my camera. The opne shot Im happy with is the one of the yellow wrapper on the grey patterned path. Lying on your stomach in the moddle of a path at TAFE isnt the best look in the world, however, it does seem to be one of the best ways to get nice pictures. Since taking these i find myself lying on the ground at some point for pretty much every shoot I do.
    the third shot was really dissapointing, but I think that if i had realised what a macro setting was it might had turned out better.
